

Advisory Sessions & Executive Support

Outside perspectives often have the power to kick start problem solving. We practice what we preach. InQuasive’s team provides a series of advisory, coaching and support services designed to enhance individual and team communications with The Disciplined Listening Method. Whether you are preparing for a significant coaching session or sales engagement, would like your team assessed, need an individual manager to improve his/her performance, or believe it would be more effective to have a third party conduct a negotiation or interview for you, InQuasive is here to support you.

Third party negotiators provide several advantages. They are not emotionally attached to any of the issues, they don’t have a history with the other parties, they bring unique experiences, and they contribute alternative perspectives. At InQuasive our team relies on our interrogation and business experience as we work with our partners to understand their goals and concerns, generate potential alternatives and approaches, and represent their interests during negotiation. We provide strategies and tactics to achieve their desired results without risking the damage that emotions can create.

Hiring and firing are two of the most important decisions an organization can make. Executives often question if they are hiring the right candidate or creating legal exposure by terminating an employee. As Certified Forensic Interviewers, InQuasive’s team of interview and interrogation experts have an established track record of success. We work with our partners to review the hiring process or investigation, create a strategy, confidentially speak with the individuals involved, and provide actionable information to help organizations make the best available hiring and firing decisions.

Invite a member of InQuasive’s team to your next negotiation, sales engagement or leadership meeting. Our Certified Forensic Interviewers observe our clients conversations and report any concerns, opportunities, hidden agendas, or concealed information they identify. Our team works with our partners to understand their game plans, professionally represent them, and provide them with previously unrealized critical intelligence to incorporate in their conversation strategies.

Interview Preparation
Answering questions under stress is a daunting task. It can be difficult to deliver important messages, recall details and communicate perspectives when interviewers are asking questions you didn’t prepare for. The team at InQuasive has spent over a decade on both sides of the desk. We partner with candidates and witnesses to collaborate on strategies, prepare for difficult questions and develop the confidence necessary to maximize every interview opportunity.

Team / Individual Assessments
Sales teams, business units, and HR groups often end up in biased cycles of self-critique that limit their perceptions of their successes and opportunities. This perspective can inadvertently create performance ceilings, damage morale and generate missed opportunities. InQuasive’s team employs an objective evaluation process that builds on each team’s strengths, identifies opportunities, punches through the ceiling, and increases results by applying the core principles of The Disciplined Listening Method.

Strategic Planning
Before conducting any interviews or interrogations, Certified Forensic Interviewers engage in a unique preparation process. They anticipate unforeseen challenges and prepare detailed responses for each potential hurdle. This process creates a calm confidence that allows them to make any adjustments necessary during their conversations. This same preparation process applies to any potentially stressful communication including sales meetings, negotiations, and leadership conversations. InQuasive’s team works diligently to understand our partners’ goals, concerns, and alternatives in order to create specific and workable paths to success.

Our coaching and advisory sessions are custom developed and facilitated for each client to assist with program implementation and increased take-away value. Our commitment begins with our programs and continues through supporting each attendee’s skills and confidence development.

Learn more about the philosophies and lessons behind Disciplined Listening on our blog.

To learn more about collaborating with InQuasive to create custom engagements and develop teams of Disciplined Listeners contact Michael Reddington, CFI at +1 (704) 256-7116 or

Learn more about the philosophies and lessons behind Disciplined Listening on our blog.

Discover how to arm your organization with these advantages today by contacting InQuasive at +1 (704) 256-7116 or by contacting Michael Reddington, CFI, at