Sales Training


Sales Skills for Sales Leaders

Sales Negotiation Training Infused with Non-Confrontational Interrogation Techniques.

Businesses run on relationships. Relationships are predicated on customer value perceptions. The most successful sales professionals transform their prospects into customers, and their customers into their best sales representatives. These transformations occur when sales professionals generate perceptions of unexpected value by employing an educational approach. Embracing a teaching mentality allows them to attentively listen to their customers, illustrate their understanding of their customer’s world and leverage their expertise to create new perspectives and alternatives.

It is difficult for sales professionals to increase the perception of the value they offer when they ask too many questions, focus on the features and benefits, brag about their perceived differentiating factors, and use the same script in every interaction. The Disciplined Listening Sales Method is designed to increase customers’ value perceptions by preparing sales professionals to capitalize on a patient approach that allows the conversation to come to them, leverages timely illustrations and increases their ability to influence customer commitments.

Prospects and customers consistently provide clues indicating what they know, what their core interests are, what they are willing to invest in and how we can influence their decision making processes. Sales professionals who increase their situational awareness with strategic preparation, observation and inquiry skills will significantly out-sell their competition.

The Disciplined Listening Method | Sales Training

Everybody sells – Certified Forensic Interviewers sell the truth. InQuasive’s team applies the same techniques they use to establish unexpected bonds in interrogation rooms to their business development efforts. They understand educated buyers, competitive markets and endless alternatives require sales professionals to develop confidence in preparation, observation and inquiry skills that give them an advantage in every conversation they have.

Michael Reddington, CFI created the Disciplined Listening Sales Method to provide executives and business development professionals with the advantages they need to connect with their audiences, strengthen relationships, uncover new alternatives, and influence agreements. The Disciplined Listening Method integrates current business communication research and best practices with the key components of four non-confrontational interview and interrogation techniques to instill the skills necessary for all participants to activate the truth with the application of strategic, ethical persuasion techniques.

Every Disciplined Listening sales training engagement is custom designed to integrate each clients’ core beliefs, current challenges business goals and terminology. The key lessons are reinforced with custom case study reviews, group interactions, video reviews, participant handouts, practical applications and lecture. At the conclusion of this engagement all participants will walk away with new tools, perspectives and techniques including how to:

  • Drive new leads and address all three buyer mindsets with engaging business introduction statements
  • Understand and connect with the six types of buyers
  • Increase customers’ perceptions of the value you offer
  • Leverage perceived weaknesses to create selling strategies
  • Identify new alternatives and reduce resistance by accurately evaluating verbal and non-verbal communication for signals of acceptance and resistance
  • Enhance relationships by consistently communicating to develop trust
  • Finalize agreements with techniques that encourage buyers to save face and protect their self-image
  • Enlighten new paths to agreements by optimizing objections
  • Uncover critical information with the preferred questioning techniques of Certified Forensic Interviewers
  • Consistently secure business agreements by applying the Disciplined Listening Sales Method

InQuasive’s sales training courses are specifically developed and facilitated for each client to assist with program implementation and content application. Our commitment begins with our training programs and continues through supporting each attendee’s skill and confidence development.

Learn more about the philosophies and lessons behind Disciplined Listening on our blog.

To learn more about collaborating with InQuasive to create custom engagements and develop teams of Disciplined Listeners contact Michael Reddington, CFI at +1 (704) 256-7116 or

Learn more about the philosophies and lessons behind Disciplined Listening on our blog.

Discover how to arm your organization with these advantages today by contacting InQuasive at +1 (704) 256-7116 or by contacting Michael Reddington, CFI, at