Candidate Interview Training


Candidate Interview Techniques for Executives

Organizations will either rise as high or fall as far as their employees will take them. Hiring or promoting the best available candidate is among the most important decisions leaders can make. Organizations with strong candidate identification processes, thorough and relevant interview processes and employee-centric on boarding processes experience far greater levels of success.

Unfortunately candidate interviews can be time consuming and distract leaders from other tasks they may feel are more important. These conflicts often drive leaders to focus on saving time, limit the factors driving their decisions and rely too heavily on their gut feelings or assessment results. The Disciplined Listening Candidate Interview Method provides leaders with processes, skills and techniques to consistently identify candidates with the highest potential, and weed out candidates who present the largest risks.

Candidates are more prepared for their interviews than ever before. They arrive anticipating common questions, with prepared stories and high expectations of their interviewers. Sifting through prepared responses and identifying the truth requires leaders to develop enhanced preparation, observation and inquiry skills.

Disciplined Listening Method | Candidate Interview Training

The truth is out there. The biggest question is, are interviewers adept enough to identify it. All too often, the answer is no. Interviewers can easily mistake signals of preparation as signals of truthfulness InQuasive’s team of Certified Forensic Interviewers knows that interviewers are most successful when they identify the core elements of great candidates, ask unanticipated questions and accurately evaluate the totality of candidate responses.

Michael Reddington, CFI created the Disciplined Listening Candidate Interview Method to provide executives and HR professionals with the advantages they need to connect with their audiences, strengthen relationships, uncover new alternatives, and influence agreements. The Disciplined Listening Negotiation Method integrates current business communication research and best practices with the key components of four non-confrontational interview and interrogation techniques to instill the skills necessary for all participants to activate the truth with the application of strategic, ethical persuasion techniques.

Every Disciplined Listening candidate interview training engagement is custom designed to integrate each clients’ core beliefs, current challenges business goals and terminology. The key lessons are reinforced with custom case study reviews, group interactions, video reviews, participant handouts, practical applications and lecture. At the conclusion of this engagement all participants will walk away with new tools, perspectives and techniques including how to:

  • Evolve job descriptions and candidate sourcing techniques to attract improved talent
  • Enhance candidate interview strategies throughout the hiring process
  • Balance experiential and inquiry efforts during the interview process
  • Understand why and how candidates are motivated to withhold information
  • Accurately evaluate candidate verbal and non-verbal communication for signals of acceptance and resistance
  • Apply the favored persuasion techniques of Certified Forensic Interviewers
  • Encourage candidates to protect their self-image while communicating truthful information
  • Apply the four rules for asking great questions
  • Capitalize on the 6 keys to asking great questions
  • Execute the five favored questioning techniques of Certified Forensic Interviewers
  • Apply the favored objection optimization techniques of Certified Forensic Interviewers
  • Consistently improve the quality of candidates they select by applying the Disciplined Listening Candidate Interview Method

InQuasive’s candidate interview training courses are specifically developed and facilitated for each client to assist with program implementation and content application. Our commitment begins with our training programs and continues through supporting each attendee’s skill and confidence development.

Learn more about the philosophies and lessons behind Disciplined Listening on our blog.

To learn more about collaborating with InQuasive to create custom engagements and develop teams of Disciplined Listeners contact Michael Reddington, CFI at +1 (704) 256-7116 or

Learn more about the philosophies and lessons behind Disciplined Listening on our blog.

Discover how to arm your organization with these advantages today by contacting InQuasive at +1 (704) 256-7116 or by contacting Michael Reddington, CFI, at