by Michael Reddington | Jul 7, 2015 | Interviewing
It’s happened to all of us. We started to get sick, we feel achy, or maybe we just had a hard time getting out of bed for a couple weeks. We wanted to know what’s causing us to feel this way, but we don’t want to visit the doctor. So what did we do – we hit the...
by Michael Reddington | Jul 7, 2015 | Sales Training
Leaders have all had gut feelings that warned them their counterparts may be speaking dishonestly dishonestly. Most of the time these gut feelings are accurate because subconsciously we identified verbal and/or behavioral anomalies that didn’t fit the situation. There...
by Michael Reddington | Jul 1, 2015 | Evaluating Behavior
By the end of an ordinary day you may have been on the receiving end of hundreds of lies. These lies range from the socially polite and harmless to the vengeful and criminal. I’ve heard some people express interest in catching every lie they are told. That doesn’t...