Connect the Dots

Connect the Dots

Leaders have all had gut feelings that warned them their counterparts may be speaking dishonestly dishonestly. Most of the time these gut feelings are accurate because subconsciously we identified verbal and/or behavioral anomalies that didn’t fit the situation. There...
Follow the Road Map

Follow the Road Map

Believe it or not the process for interrogating someone suspected of stealing $10 from a till and the process for interrogating someone who is suspected of embezzling millions of dollars are remarkably similar.  The dollar value of the investigation does not drive the...
It Takes Six to Tango

It Takes Six to Tango

Behavior shifts do not occur in a vacuum.  When two people are interacting and one or both of them experience a change in any emotion, that emotional change often manifests itself with a corresponding change in behavior. It is common for behavioral analysts to derive...