Synonymous With Sales

Synonymous With Sales

Negotiate – Sell – Interrogate. Perhaps astonishingly, they are all one in the same. Great negotiators sell beneficial agreements; great sales professionals sell the perfect product or solution; and great interrogators sell the truth. All three processes involve at...
Less Stress – More Success

Less Stress – More Success

Preparation breeds confidence.  Confidence reduces stress.  Reduced stress allows us to think clearly, perform better and achieve more. High stakes interactions force you to juggle multiple cognitive tasks.  Internally, you have to balance your fears, goals and...
The Root Cause of Lying

The Root Cause of Lying

By the end of an ordinary day you may have been on the receiving end of hundreds of lies.  These lies range from the socially polite and harmless to the vengeful and criminal.  I’ve heard some people express interest in catching every lie they are told.  That doesn’t...